you are a testament, you are a test

you are a testament, you are a test
i have lived my life a student
and this text of you, this test of us
i can navigate as no one else can

there are lessons there, symbols and themes
i know them, i have figured them out
but this does not mean i like them
this does not mean i will learn from them

the questions for me are easy
and passing is not even a challenge
because this test of us was obvious all along
even when we seemed entirely impossible

you come to me sitting barethigh to barethigh
or across from me your bare foot finds me
alone i am transported to these to survive
calling upon memories to fill empty spaces

you are a testament, you are a test
i have lived my life a student
and this text of you, this test of us
i will cling to these in earnest

—P. L. Thomas