sweet dreams (she invited him in)

“sweet dreams” she offers him
because she knows sleep evades him

anxious in the solitude of nighttime
and the weight of eyes upon them

instead he dreams of wasps nests
Michael Keaton and his second childhood home

Michael Keaton finds a wasp nest behind a painting
and releases the swarm into the yard as a flock of birds

while he runs out the back door with a nest on a plate
wasps stirred as he stumbles through the back porch

and then the next night:

he dreams about his daughter
and their now deceased chocolate lab

this time they are at his in-laws’ house
both of them also passed for many years

his daughter tells them she has a degenerative disease
and it will affect her pregnancy with her second child

and this dream swarms around him like angry wasps

she invited him in
she did not pull but pushed

laid bare there before him
in the softest white and black

her gift to his waking life
sweeter than any dream imaginable

—P.L. Thomas